Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My new project

My friend Annie mentioned that I should get a small camera to capture the little moments. It got the wheels in my head turning. This week, the boys and I were at the park, and I noticed a mom with a small camera. I asked her about it, and learned lots. She had a Kodak easyshare. I was blown away that such a small camera had 12 megapixels on it, the same as my big camera!

I just want something small to capture the everyday stuff, and to document it better. The boys are growing too fast. I want to simplify and get pictures of them more often. Less editing, just preserve the memory. I still love doing the artsy stuff with my 5d, but you know, this will be great.

So, I was able to find that Kodak camera with a card and case for a sweet deal on Amazon. I cannot wait for it to come this week, and start taking more pictures. You will see more pics on the blog for sure!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for small, portable, memory makers!! I can't believe that some phones now have 8 megapixels! Technology is amazing!
