Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mormon mommy blogs

I love listening to podcasts from the mormon radio station online. Simply love it. Recently, I listened to an interview on the “Everything Creative” program, on the subject of “Mormon mommy blogs”. Four mom bloggers spoke of their experience blogging about their family, other positive things, and using the internet for good. This idea was inspired by an M. Russell Ballard talk, about using the internet for good intentions and sharing uplifting content. Here’s some things I learned from the interview:

  • One question was “What do you do when you receive a negative comment on your blog?” One mom said this: “It’s easy to take it to heart, and to feel bad. My husband said, ‘Think of Joseph Smith. He got plenty of negative comments in his life. When someone says something negative about you, don’t dismiss it. Look at your life, and see if there is any truth to that comment. If there is, fix it, and move on. Let it go.’” I loved that.
  • One mother said she doesn’t blog when her husband is home. He felt that he wasn’t a priority if she was on the computer all the time. I sometimes am guilty of that. I try not to do photography when he is home. I’m only on the computer two times a day, and hardly at night, because that’s family time.
  • The wonderful and continuing message of using the internet for good. Making your blog like a journal. Posting pictures, and sharing good content. Printing your blog off yearly, and saving it in a book.

I want to blog more, and share more wonderful things. It’s tough to find the balance, the strength, and the time for it all, but I hope that this little blog of ours can be joy to read, and a help to others. I love learning. Learning is so, so fun now. I have learned that when you really enjoy learning something new, and seeing how you can use that knowledge, there is no limit to the joy of learning. Why didn’t I feel this way in college, when I had more time to devote for studying? Argh, who knows, but it’s never too late to read a new book, learn something new, pray for guidance, and apply it to the chapter you are living right now. That’s what I have learnedSmile

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