Thursday, July 7, 2011

The mountains!

Last Sunday, we packed the boys up and headed out to the nearby mountains. The smell was wonderful. Pine trees, forest, ahh. I love it. The boys loved it, too. For a moment, they were by these beautiful purple flowers, and I tried my best to get a shot of them. Always on the move. It was just so nice to spend an afternoon with Daddy, and have family time. Getting out and seeing the beauty of this earth is truly rejuvenating.

flower ethanflower kevin

We had some interesting changes in our phones this week. Long story short, out of necessity, we needed to get new phones, and got iphones. Wow. I heard they were awesome, but had no idea. They are amazing. We were delighted to find it had a choo-choo train whistle for text messages. I love the old ‘awooga’ model T ford horn for the ringer. Makes me giggle.

I got some fun, preschool apps for the boys. Our favorite is the Pocket Zoo. It has a map of the animals in a zoo, and more, but the coolest thing ever; it has live, video streams of animals in a zoo. We watched the penguins get fed last night, hopping all around by the zoo worker. I can’t believe this phone. So fun, yet easy to be on it too much. I put the phone down yesterday, and did my best to leave it alone so I could play with the boys. Discipline for sure, but its been a fun addition.


  1. Oh Erin!!!! I L♥VE those photos of the boys!!!!! How yummy are those purple flowers!!!!

  2. LOVE the mountains, too! You are a great photographer! It is true. And I will have to check out that app to see if they have anything for the iPod. :)
