Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving weekend

The house is so quiet. The boys and Brooke are asleep. It’s break time. I love tucking the boys in, and reading to them. I love that they have a bunk bed to share, warm blankets and down comforters. Love being the mom, and taking care of them.

Thanksgiving came and went so fast, and tomorrow is back to work for Shaun and long days with the kiddos and me, but it was a great weekend. The turkey turned out amazing. The brining was easy, and definitely made a huge difference. Very moist. I felt so cool cooking an amazing turkey, and having it turn out stellar. Growing up, I knew that the grown ups made the turkey for the family dinner. Well, now I’m the grown up, even though I don’t always feel so grown up. I sometimes wonder “How did these kids get here? Wasn’t I going to school at Ricks yesterday, and going to single adult parties on the beach in Santa Barbara?” Time sure flies by:)

Here’s the boys stirring the brine around with all the ice and the turkey. We then put the bucket in the garage for 24 hours. I still can’t believe how easy it was. I’ll post the recipe with a bunch more soon.



It was great to stay in pajamas, and just lounge. Somehow, I made all the dinner items mostly by myself with some help from the boys. This happened for a few days, making one item at a time. Green bean casserole, cranberry jello salad, mashed potatoes, and the heavenly pumpkin cheesecake, scream! My favorite.

It really didn’t feel like Thanksgiving, just another day, but we had a great meal with our little family and said what we were grateful for at the table. The boys rode their bikes to their hearts content. Cheese cake for breakfast. Trying not to think about the fitness/diet plans until January. Eat more crap, and love every bite of it. That was the weekend:)

I have so much to be thankful for, more than I can write. I’m so thankful for this home, and for warm beds for everyone. For running water and power. For photo sessions, and the fun that comes with that. For a running car, and for hugs from the boys. For little Brooke, and the happy squeaks she has been making. For my darling husband, who I love to laugh with and share this adventure with. So thankful for it all.

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday with their families! Here comes Christmas!


  1. Man, I miss you, girl! That all I can say right now.

  2. I'm glad you guys had a great Thanksgiving! Way to go with bringing the turkey, I'm impressed :)
