Saturday, April 28, 2012

Baby food and homeschooling

Brooke is now 6 months and eating solids like a champ. It’s back to making home made baby food. I’ve always loved doing this. Cheaper, makes a lot, and healthier. I freeze the leftovers, pop the cubes into a bag, and take some out when I need it. It’s super! There’s some lovely carrots below.



I love, love, love, love that we live in a culdesac. Quiet street, huge biking area for the boys, and a fun place to do school activities. I decided to work on our numbers, and wrote with sidewalk chalk 1-10 in various areas. I called out a number, and had the boys run to it. Then, I had them ride their bikes over the number I called, and then I had Ethan trace the numbers with his own chalk. See, sometimes I have a brain and can think of some stuff on my own. I amaze myself:)


I went to an end of the year party for the homeschool group I belong to. There was an enormous amount of our kids having a blast at the park, while moms chatted. We ate pizza and cookies, and were in heaven. Pizza always makes me happy. At one moment, I looked around the park, and noticed it was pretty empty, with the exception of us homeschoolers. I loved seeing the boys play with the other kids of all ages. That always amazes me. 

Today’s goal; be more patient with the boys, and to spend better time with them. I can tell when they act up, it’s because they’re really saying “Mom, you need to get on the ground and play with me more. I miss you.” Sometimes, there’s so much to do in the house, so many people to take care of and I feel like I’m getting pulled in so many directions. I just need to sometimes let it go for the moment, and treasure the kiddos. I sure need to get reminded of this often, like every day! Yea for Saturdays:)

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